Radiation Meter Applications in Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring
This article provides an overview of GAO Tek’s radiation meters and their applications in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting industry. The primary sector includes activities related to crop cultivation, livestock raising, timber harvesting, and aquatic resource harvesting. GAO Tek’s radiation meters, known by various names such as Geiger counters and dosimeters, serve multiple functions and are categorized into various types like Alpha-Beta-Gamma Radiation Meters, Benchtop Radiation Meters, and more.
The radiation meters find applications in soil testing, ensuring food safety, environmental monitoring, proximity to nuclear power plants, safety compliance, emergency response, and research in the mentioned industry. They play a crucial role in assessing soil contamination, checking food products for radioactive contamination, and monitoring radiation levels in habitats.
Moreover, GAO Tek’s radiation meters comply with industry standards such as ISO 4259, IEC 60846, ANSI N42.14, ASTM E1709, and NIST Handbook 150-27. They also adhere to U.S. government regulations by bodies like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as Canadian regulations.
The article includes case studies illustrating practical examples of radiation meter usage in various agricultural and forestry settings, emphasizing the importance of monitoring radiation levels in products like milk, maple syrup, corn, soybeans, cotton, peanuts, fruit, grapes, beef, seafood, mangoes, shrimp, and timber.
GAO Tek offers a diverse range of products and has integrated their radiation meters with leading software and cloud services for applications like data collection, environmental monitoring, and geospatial analysis. GAO Tek emphasizes fast delivery, local support, and collaboration with service providers to meet the diverse needs of their customers in North America and Europe. The article concludes by listing some major customers in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting industry who have used GAO Tek’s products.
To read the full article please click here: https://gaotek.com/applications-of-radiation-meters-in-agriculture-forestry-fishing-and-hunting-industry/