GAO Tek News

GAO Tek PSTN Network Analyzers: FAQ and Features

This document provides an extensive FAQ section addressing common inquiries about GAO Tek’s PSTN network analyzers. These tools are designed to monitor and analyze the performance of Public Switched Telephone Network systems. The FAQ guide begins by defining what a PSTN network analyzer is and explaining its significance in ensuring optimal network performance.

Key parameters that can be measured by these analyzers include call quality and line disturbances, and they are capable of working with both digital and analog lines. The article emphasizes the role of protocol analysis in diagnosing issues within the PSTN. It also explains how these analyzers can help troubleshoot line disturbances and integrate with other network monitoring tools.

The frequency of use for network maintenance is discussed, highlighting that regular usage can prevent significant network issues. Various report types that can be generated by these analyzers are mentioned, along with their suitability for large-scale telecom networks. The analyzers’ ability to identify security threats is noted as a crucial feature.

The FAQ guide addresses user-friendliness, particularly for non-technical users, and mentions the capability to monitor real-time call traffic and perform historical data analysis. The support for remote monitoring and the contribution to cost savings in telecom operations are additional benefits discussed.

Open-source options for PSTN network analyzers are acknowledged, as well as the ability to perform automated diagnostics. The ongoing support and updates available to users are also covered. Applications of PSTN network analyzers span various sectors, and the article lists compliance with U.S., Canadian, and international regulations.

The document ends with information on the different PSTN network analyzers offered by GAO Tek, alternative names for these tools, and shipping times to U.S. and Canadian locations.

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