GAOTek digital oscilloscope is a highly integrated comprehensive digital oscilloscope that has become a useful tool for design engineers. This product integrates 7 independent instruments into 1., including one digital oscilloscope, one 16-channel logic analyzer, and one spectrum analyzer. One arbitrary waveform generator, one digital voltmeter, one high-precision frequency counter and totalizer, and one protocol analyzer. This product offers a flexible and economical solution to address your actual needs.Â
- 350 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz and 70 MHz bandwidth models, upgradableÂ
- Up to 8 GSa per s real-time sample rateÂ
- 2 or 4 analog channels (upgradable), 16 digital channelsÂ
- Up to 200 Mpts memory depthÂ
- Maximum waveform capture rate of 500,00 wfms per sÂ
- 350 Mhz passive voltage probe for each channelÂ
Technical Specifications
Analog Bandwidth | 70 MHZ, 100 MHZ, 200 MHZÂ |
Rising time | ≤5 ns, ≤5 ns, ≤3.5 ns, ≤3.5 ns, ≤1.75 ns, ≤1 ns |
Channels | 2 Channels 4 Channels |
Sampling Mode | Real-time sampling |
Display Resolution | 1024 x 600Â |
Maximum Sample Rate of Analog Channel | 8 GSa per s (single-channels, 4 GSa per s (half-channels), 2 GSa per s (all channels)Â |
Max Memory Depth | 200 Mpts, 100 Mpts, 50 Mpts |
Ma Waveform Capture Rate | ≥ 500,000 wfms per s |
Hardware Real-Time Waveform Recording and Playing | ≥450,000 wfms per s (single channels) |
Peak Detection | 500 ps glitches |
Vertical System Analog Channel |  |
Input Coupling | DC, AC or GNDÂ |
Input Impedance | 1 MΩ ± 1% |
Max Input Voltage | 1300 Vrms, 400 Vpk, transient overvoltage, 1600 Vpk |
Vertical Resolution | 8 bits |
Vertical Sensitivity Range | 500 µV per div to 10 V per div |
Offset Range | ±1 V (500 µV per div to 50 mV per div), ± 30 V (51 mV per div to 260 mV per div), ±100 V (265 mV per div to 10 V per div) |
Dynamic Range | ±5 div (8 bits) |
Bandwidth Limit | 20 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz; selectable for each channel |
DC Gain Accuracy | ±3% of full scale |
Offset Accuracy | >200 mV per div (± 0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 1.5% offset value) |
Channel-to Channel Isolation | 40 db, from DC to maximum rated bandwidth of each model |
EDS Tolerance | ±8 Kv from input BNCs |
Number of Channels | 16 input channels (D0 to D15), (DO to D7, D8 to D15)Â |
Threshold Range | ±15.0 V, in 10 Mv step |
Threshold Accuracy | ± (100 mV + 3% of the threshold setting) |
Max Input Voltage | ±40 V peak, transient overvoltage 800 Vpk |
Max Input Dynamic Range | ±10 V + threshold |
Minimum Voltage Swing | 500 mVpp |
Dimensions | 11.0 in x 9.1 in x 3.1 in (280 mm x 230 mm X 80 mm)Â |
Weight | 4.41 Ib (2.00 kg)Â |