GAOTek Waveform Oscilloscope

This Waveform Oscilloscope has 0 V to 3 V input voltage range, 8 channels, 1 M sample depth, 200 K maximum input impedance, and 7 in display.

SKU: GAOTek-PELA-120 Category:



  • 8 Channel Logic Analyzer
  • 7 in (17.78 cm) WVGA Display: 64 K Color, 800 x 480 resolution
  • Ultra-Thin, Portable Design for On-the-Go Use
  • 500 MHz Sample Rate
  • 1 M Record Length


Technical Specifications

Channels 4
Bandwidth 70 MHz
Rise Time 5 ns
Real Time Sample Rate 1 GSa or s
Record Length 1 M
SEC Or DIV Range 4 ns or div to 40 s or div
Delay Time Accuracy 500 PS
A or D Converter 8 bits resolution
Volts Or Div Range 2 mV or div to 5V or div at input BNC
Position Range 20 ns or div to 80 us or div (-8 divx s or div) to 40 ms,
200 us or div to 40 s or div, (-8 divx s or div) to 4005,
DC Gain Accuracy ±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5 V or div to 10 mV or div
±4% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5mV or div to 2mV or div
Inputs Coupling AC, DC, GND
Input Impendence 1 MO +2%, 20 pF + 3 pF
Probe Attenuation 1 X, 10 X
Trigger System
Trigger Types Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Over time, Alternative
Trigger Source CH 1, CH 2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line
Trigger Modes Auto, Normal, Single
Coupling Type DC, AC, Noise Reject HF Reject, LF Reject
Trigger Sensitivity 

(Edge Trigger Type)

DC (CH 1, CH 2 CH 3, CH 4): 1 div from DC to 10 MHz; 1.5 div from 10 MHz to Full;
DC (EXT): 200 mV from DC to Full;
DC (EXT or 5):1 1 V from DC to Full;
AC: Attenuates signals below 10 Hz
HF Reject Attenuates signals above 80 kHz;
LF Reject Same as the DC-coupled limits for frequencies above 150 kHz attenuates signals below
150 Hz
Trigger Level Range CH 1. CH 2 CH 3, CH 4: 8 divisions from centre of screen
EXT: 1.2 V
EXT or 5: 6 V
Trigger Level Accuracy (Typical) Signals Having Rise 

And Fall Times >20 ns

Set Level To 50% (Typical)

CH 1, CH 2, CH 3, CH 4: 0.2 div x volts div within +4 divisions from centre of screen;
EXT + (6% of setting +40 mV)
EXT or 5: x (6% of setting +200 mV);
Operates with input signals >50 Hz
Measurement Manual Voltage difference between cursors AVs
Cursor Measurement Time difference between cursors: AT
Reciprocal of AT in Hertz (1 or AT)
Tracing The voltage and time at a waveform point
Frequency Period Mean, Pk-Pk, Cyclic RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall Time, +Pulse
Auto Measurement Width, -Pulse cluty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop. Vmid, Vamp. Overshoot
Logic Analyzer Specifications
Channels 8 Channels
Max Input Impendence 200 K (C= 10 p)
Input Voltage Range 0 V to 3 V
Logic Threshold Range 0 V to 3 V
Max Sample Rate 500 MSa or s
Compatible Input TTL CMOS, ECL
Sample Depth 1 M