Ultra Low Noise Power Network Ethernet Analyzer – GAOTek

GAOTek Ultra Low Noise Power Network Ethernet Analyzer offers precise measurements, wide frequency range, USB-C interface, and cross-platform compatibility.

SKU: GAOTek-REA-117 Category:



GAOTek ultra low noise power network ethernet analyzer is a USB based full 2 port vector network analyzer designed. Using 3 ADCs to sample data simultaneously and using FPGAs for signal processing, it is capable of scanning over 10,000 points of full dual port measurements in less than 1 second. The ultra low noise power supply design and the use of 16bit ADC, together with the precision CNC’s aluminum shielded housing, achieve up to 100dB of effective dynamics. Many aspects are already comparable to lab-grade VNAs, but this is still a work-in-progress project. Some design features may not be perfect, especially the performance will drop when the frequency is higher than 3GHz, please fully understand the possible limitations before buying this machine.


Technical Specifications

Chipset Original New
Application Industry
Impedance 50 ê­¥
Test Port Connector SMA Female
Number of Test Port 2
Frequency Range 100 kHz to 6 GHz
Frequency Accuracy < 2ppm
Number of Measurement Points 2 to 4501
Speed 2 Port 4000 Pts < 500 ms (IFBW = 50 kHz)
Measurement Bandwidths 10 Hz to 50 kHz
Dynamic Range (IFBW 10 Hz) > 95 dB to 3 GHz
> 50 dB to 6 GHz (Note 1)
Measurement Parameters S11, S21, S12, S22
Reflection Directivity > 40 dB (After Calibration) (Note 2)
Output Power -40 dBm to 0 dBm (Note 3)
Power Supply DC 5V 1.5 (USB Powered, or 3.5 m)
Power Consumption Approx7 W
Interface USB type C
Supported Operating System Windows Linux MacOS
(Only 64 Bit Software is Available)
External Reference Input SMA Female 10 MHz
SMA Female 10 MHz or 100 MHz
External Reference Output Simple Spectrum Analyzer (Lack of Mirror Suppression and Slc
Further Measurement Options Signal Generator (Not Precisely Calibrated)