Hot-Wire Anemometers

GAO Tek hot-wire anemometers operate on the principle of convective heat transfer. They consist of a fine wire, usually made of platinum, which is electrically heated. As the fluid (air or gas) flows over the wire, it cools the wire, and the instrument measures the electrical resistance changes of the wire to calculate the flow velocity. The higher the flow velocity, the greater the cooling effect, resulting in a corresponding change in resistance. Benefits of Hot-Wire Anemometers: hot-wire anemometers offer high sensitivity, a wide range of measurements, fast response time, low mass flow disturbance, the ability to measure turbulent flows, compact design, and applicability in various environments.
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Showing all 19 results

GAOTek Air Velocity Anemometer – Telescoping Hot Wire Probe

GAOTek Air Velocity Digital Anemometer - Telescoping Hot Wire Probe is a convenient tool to measure instantaneous flow velocity

GAOTek Conduit Hot Wire Anemometer

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-218
This Conduit Hot Wire Anemometer ensures air velocity measurements from 0.1 m/s to 25 m/s, with a high resolution of 0.01 m/s, and an accuracy of ± (3% + 0.2 m/s), providing precise data for diverse applications.  

GAOTek Duct Hot Wire Anemometer Transmitter

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-213
This Duct Hot Wire Anemometer Transmitter measures range of 2 m/s to 40 m/s, Output of 4 mA to 20 mA and measuring temperature of 0 °C to 50°C.

GAOTek Handheld Hot Wire Anemometer

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-214
This Handheld Hot Wire Anemometer has accurate outdoor wind speed measurements.

GAOTek High Accuracy Hot Wire Anemometer

GAOTek hot wire anemometer is a highly accurate air velocity meter designed for various applications. Its advanced sensor technology and ergonomic design ensure precise measurements of wind speed in different units, making it ideal for HVAC, environmental monitoring, and indoor air quality assessments.

GAOTek High Precision Wire Digital Anemometer

Features The slim sensor allows operation in small space and the extended handle can be used for more limited occasion

GAOTek Hot Wire Anemometer For Air Velocity Measurement

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-219
This Hot Wire Anemometer for Air velocity measures air from 0.01 m/s to 40 m/s accurately, vital for -4 °F to 140 °F with ± 3% accuracy.

GAOTek Hot Wire Anemometer In Thermohydrometer Barometer

This Hot Wire Anemometer in Thermohydrometer Barometer has precise measurements from 0 % RH to 100 % RH, 120 InH2O to 480 InH2O absolute pressure.

GAOTek Hot Wire Anemometer Wind Speed Tester – LCD Backlight Display

Measure wind speed with precision using our Hot Wire Anemometer. LCD Backlight Display, Range: 0.1 m/s to 35 m/s. Accurate, portable, and versatile.

GAOTek Hot Wire Thermo-Anemometer Tester

GAOTek Hot Wire Thermo-Anemometer Tester – Thermal Air Velocity Meter is a cutting-edge instrument designed for precise airflow measurements.

GAOTek Portable Digital Hot Wire Anemometer

GAOTek portable digital hot wire anemometer with advanced features for precise air velocity measurements.

GAOTek Precision Air Velocity Hot Wire Anemometer

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-217
GAOTek Precision Air Velocity Hot Wire Anemometer is equipped with a user-friendly large liquid crystal display and a dual-window interface, ensuring effortless operation and precise measurements using separate sensors.

GAOTek Remote Display Wireless Hot Wire Anemometer

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-215
GAOTek Remote Display Wireless Hot Wire Anemometer features a design allowing separation of the display.

GAOTek ThermalFlow Hot Wire Anemometer

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-212
The GAOTek Thermal Flow Hot Wire Anemometer is a compact device featuring a fixed thermal probe for measuring flow velocity.

Geotech Digital Hot Wire Anemometer With App Connectivity

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-211
GAOTek Digital Hot Wire Anemometer with App Connectivity is designed for precise airflow measurements in modern buildings.

Meteorology Hot Wire Anemometer with HD LCD Interface with Reliable System – GAOTek

SKU: Gaotek-HWA-216
Discover precise wind speed measurements with our Meteorology Hot Wire Anemometer, featuring a high-definition LCD interface and reliable performance.

GAOTek Anemometer with Telescoping Probe (Data Memory)

This Anemometer with Telescoping Probe (Data Memory) is designed to measure air velocity, temperature and relative humidity and can holds the data memory as 10 x 99 sets capacity.

GAOTek Anemometer with Air Velocity (Air Flow Temperature)

This Anemometer with Air Velocity (Air Flow Temperature) is designed in the combination of hot wire and standard thermometer and can be used to measure the remote surface temperature upto 537.5 °F (999.5°C).

GAOTek Anemometer with Telescope Probe (Grilles & Diffusers)

This Anemometer with Telescope Probe (Grilles & Diffusers) is designed to measure HVAC ducts and small vents which extends upto 40 ft/min.