Below are general answers on how to choose a logic analyzer from the list of GAO Tek’s environmental turbidimeters. To facilitate our customers to select our products, we have further classified our logic analyzers by their features: color interference, colored sample, colored water, drinking water, formazin standard, handheld, high precision, high range, high-level, industrial, laboratory & research, low turbidity range, moderate range, multi-parameter, nephelometric, ratio, rugged,  with field kits, and  with NTU.

We have products in stock and can ship overnight to most places in the U.S. and Canada.

If you have any questions about our products or want to place an order, our technical experts can help you.

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Accuracy and Precision: GAO Tek’s turbidimeters have high accuracy levels, typically expressed in NTU (nephelometric turbidity units). A reliable instrument ensures precise readings for better water quality analysis.

Calibration Capability: Our turbidimeters offer easy and regular calibration processes. Regular calibration is essential to maintain accuracy over time, especially in dynamic environmental conditions.

Range of Measurement: Our product turbidity ranges the instrument can cover. Ensure it suits the specific turbidity levels you expect in your water samples. Some instruments may be better suited for low or high turbidity conditions.

Response Time: We evaluate the response time of the turbidimeter. Faster response times are crucial for capturing rapid changes in turbidity, providing real-time data in applications such as wastewater monitoring or industrial processes.

Light Source and Detection Method: Our turbidimeter’s light source and detection method. LED light sources and nephelometric detection are common. Select a method that aligns with your application and provides reliable results.

Sample Compatibility: Consider the nature of your water samples. Some turbidimeters may perform better with certain types of water, such as freshwater or seawater. Ensure the instrument is suitable for your specific environmental conditions.

Portability and Ease of Use: Our field measurements are required, opt for a portable turbidimeter that is easy to carry and operate. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive controls facilitate efficient on-site measurements.

Data Logging and Connectivity: Choose our turbidimeter with data logging capabilities to store and analyze measurements over time. Connectivity features like USB or bluetooth can simplify data transfer to computers or mobile devices for further analysis.

Durability and Build Quality: GAO Tek’s instrument’s build quality and durability, especially if it will be used in harsh environmental conditions. Robust construction ensures longevity and reliable performance.

Cost and Maintenance: We evaluate the overall cost of the turbidimeter, considering your budget constraints. Additionally, assess the maintenance requirements and associated costs to ensure a cost-effective solution in the long run.