The laser scanning sensor operates on the principle of time of flight (TOF) measurement. At a very high synchronous clock, the laser is emitted at even time intervals. When the laser beam encounters an object, it is reflected. After the scanning sensor receives the reflected beam, the time difference Δt between the transmitting and receiving is used to calculate the laser sensor to the object distance.
Technical Specifications
Distance | 1.1 in (0.05 m)
196.85 in (5 m) |
Angle Accuracy | 0.5 º |
Examination Range | 270 º |
Light Source | 905 nm |
Working distance at 10% reflectivity | 78.7 in (2 m) |
Basic error | 40 mm |
Statistical error | 30 mm |
Number of channels | 64 |
Voltage | DC 10 V to 36 V |
Ambient light intensity | Less than 15000 lx |