pH Meters with Three Point Calibration

GAO Tek’s pH meters with three-point calibration are advanced devices designed to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution with enhanced precision. Three-point calibration involves adjusting the pH meter using three standard buffer solutions, each with a known pH value strategically chosen to cover a broad pH range. Some key features and benefits of our pH meters with three-point calibration include extended range coverage, increased accuracy and precision, optimized performance for complex samples, enhanced sensitivity to electrode characteristics, and advanced quality control.
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Showing all 8 results

GAOTek Automatic Calibration Digital PH Meter

GAOTek Automatic Calibration Digital pH Meter is an electrochemical analyzer used to measure the ion concentration in a solution.

GAOTek Automatic Calibration Oxygen PH Meter

This Automatic Calibration Oxygen pH Meter has an accuracy of ±0.40 mg/L, ±0.3%, resolution of 0.1 pH or 0.01 pH, and a residual current ≤0.1 mg/L.

GAOTek Benchtop Analyzer PH Meter

This Benchtop Analyzer pH Meter has a pH range of -2 pH to 20 pH range, a pH accuracy of ±0.002 pH, and a 0.1 pH, 0.01pH, 0.001 pH resolution.

GAOTek Benchtop Multi PH Meter

This Benchtop Multi pH Meter has a pH accuracy of ±0.002 pH, a pH range of -2 pH to 20 pH, and a pH resolution of 0.1 pH, 0.01 pH, and 0.001pH.

GAOTek PH Ion Meter With Three Point Calibration

This pH Ion Meter with Three Point Calibration has a measuring range of -2 pH to 20 pH, accuracy of ±0.002 pH, and 0.1, 0.01, 0.001ph resolution.  

GAOTek Polarimeter PH Meter With 3-Point Calibration

This Polarimeter pH Meter with 3-point calibration has range ±90 °Z or ±130 °Z, display 5.6 inches TFT touch screen, and power AC 220 V or 50 Hz.

GAOTek PH Controller with 3 Points Calibration (Reset Function)

This PH Controller with 3 Points Calibration (Reset Function) is designed for monitoring the pH of liquids in chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental protection and food industries.

GAOTek PH Meter with mV/Temp ( Temp. Compensation, 3 Point Calib)

This PH Meter with mV/Temp (Temp. Compensation, 3 Point Calib) is designed using 3 point calibration for high accuracy measurements and supports automatic temperature compensation over the complete pH range from -1.00 pH ~ 15.00 pH.