GAOTek Thermal Mixer Laboratory Dry Bath

GAO Tek thermal mixer laboratory dry bath can extremely facilitate smashing and vibration of samples.

SKU: GAOTek-GET-133 Category:



GAO Tek thermal mixer laboratory dry bath can extremely facilitate smashing and vibration of samples. Thus, it is the most ideal automatic tool for reaction process of biological and chemical reaction samples such like incubation, catalysis, mixing and storage.



• High vibration frequency up to 3000 rpm
• High precision of temperature control
• Rapid temperature ramping rate
• Convenient block replacement.


Technical Specifications

Temperature Setting Range Room Temperature 41 °F to 212 °F (5 ℃ to 100℃) (Minimum Setting Increments32.18 °F (0.1 ℃))
Temperature Control Range Room temperature -59 °F to  212 °F ( – 15 °C to 100°C) (minimum temperature 32 °F (0 °C))
Temperature Control Accuracy  68 °F to 212 °F (20 ℃ to 100 ℃) ≤± 32.9 °F (0.5 ℃)