GAOTek Anemometer with Wind-chill Indication (Beaufort Scale)

This portable Anemometer with Wind-chill Indication (Beaufort Scale) measures wind chill and wind-speed and it displays temperature, air velocity and relative humidity on a small LCD screen.




GAOTek Anemometer with Wind-chill Indication (Beaufort Scale) is ideal for measuring wind chill and wind-speed and it displays temperature, air velocity and relative humidity on a small LCD screen. The dynamic LCD display allows you to easily toggle between different views and units of measure that include feet per minute, knots, kilometers per hour, miles per hour etc. Beaufort scale, low battery warning, wind-chill indication, calibration function and auto power off (with override function) are some of its important features. This portable and durable handheld device is often used by model plane pilots, hiking enthusiasts and hunters.

Key Features

  • Beaufort scale
  • Temperature Measurement Range: 14 °F to 122 °F (-10 °C to 50 °C)
  • Air Velocity Measurement Range: 3 m/s to 30 m/s (±5 %)
  • Hold Function
  • Humidity Measurement Range: 0 %-99 % (±5 % at 20 %-90 %)
  • Calibration Function
  • Wind-chill Indication
  • Air Velocity Unit Selection: m/s, ft/min, knots, km/h, mph
  • Low Battery Warning
  • CE Certified and RoHS Compliant
  • Resolution: 0.1 m/s, 1 %, 18 ℉ (0.1 ℃)
  • Max/Min/Avg Reading Selection
  • Auto Power Off (with override function)
  • °C/°F selection

Technical Specifications

Wind Speed Range
Unit Range Resolution Threshold Accuracy
M/s 0 ~ 30 0.1 0.1 ±5 %
Ft/min 0 ~ 5860 19 39
Knots 0 ~ 55 0.2 0.1
Km/hr 0 ~ 55 0.2 0.3
Mph 0 ~ 65 0.2 0.2
Temperature and Humidity Range
Unit Range Resolution Accuracy
% RH 20 % ~ 90 % 1 ±5 %
Battery CR2032 2.0 V
Operating Temperature


14 ℉ ~ 122 ℉ (-10 ℃~ 50 ℃)
Operating Humidity ≦90 %
Current Consumption About 2.5 mA
Weight 0.13 lbs (60 g)

Additional Information

Product Description:


  1. Vane Impeller
  2. Temperature & Humidity Sensors
  3. LCD with Blue Backlight
  4. Wind Speed Unit and Temperature selection
  5. Power button
  6. Set function button
  7. Battery Cover
  8. Lanyard Attachment Point

 LCD Display


  1. Beaufort Scale
  2. Primary Display for Air Velocity
  3. HOLD: Displayed when meter is on hold function

SET: Displayed when meter is in calibration mode

Max: When it is in this mode the meter will display the maximum speed the Air velocity has reached

Min: When it is in this mode the meter will display the minimum speed the Air velocity has reached

AVG: When it is in this mode the meter will display the average speed the Air velocity has reached

  1. Temperature Display (℃/℉ switchable)
  2. Air Velocity measurement options:

m/s: Meters per second

ft/min: Feet per minute

knots: knots

km/h: kilometers per hour

mph: miles per hour

  1.    Displayed when the Auto-Power Off Function is overridden.

     This warning will display when the battery is low on power.

   This warning displays to indicate wind chill when the temperature is below °C

  1. Relative Humidity Display (RH)


  1. Turning on and off your Meter

A. Press  button to turn on your meter. After minutes without any operation the meter will power off.

B. To override the Auto Power Off, hold down the “Set button” then press the  button to turn on.

  1. Selecting Air Velocity & Temperature Units of Measure

A. Quick short presses of the “Unit Button” will select the wind speed units of measure view (m/s, ft/min, knots, km/h, mph).

B. An extended press of the “Unit Button” will select the temperature units view °C /°F.

  1. Selecting Type of Reading (Maximum, Minimum, Average, Hold, Normal)

A. A short press of the “Set Button” will select MAX/MIN/AVG reading. When none are displayed on the LCD, you are viewing the current normal reading.

B. An extended press of the “Set Button” will hold the reading.

  1. Backlight

A. The backlight will turn off after 10 seconds without use. To override hold down the “Units Button” then press  Button. The backlight will then illuminate constantly.

  1. Relative Humidity (RH)

Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to what the air can hold at that temperature. When the air can’t hold all the moisture, then it condenses as dew. RH is affected by wind speed, i.e. the more powerful the wind the less moisture there will be in the air.

  1. Calibration Mode

In the event where calibration is required, follow these steps:

Step 1: Turn on the meter, then press “Set Button” and “Units Button” at the same time to enter the calibration.

Step 2: Press “Units Button” to choose the

Mode 1-wind speed;

Mode 2-Temperature;

Mode 3-humidity; then press “Set Button”

Step 3: Press “Units Button” to choose the jumping number, press “Set Button” to adjust the reading.

Step 4: Press the “Power Button” to store the setting.

Battery Replacement:

If the meter does not power on as usual or the low battery icon   appears on the LCD, replace with a new CR2032 Lithium Battery. To do this, turn the battery compartment cover in a counterclockwise direction to remove it.

Remove the old battery and insert a new battery face up, with the bottom side in contact with the two pins.

Dispose of the battery in an environmentally safe and sound manner at a recycling point.


This meter is accurate at low and mid-range air speeds. Consistent use at very high speeds, i.e. from the window of a fast moving car will damage the impeller’s bearing  and reduce accuracy.

This meter is not a personal safety device.